Showing posts with label FHA Guidelines for Loan in Kentucky on a home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FHA Guidelines for Loan in Kentucky on a home. Show all posts

How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan

General Kentucky FHA loan requirements include:

  • The loan must be for a property used for your primary residence.
  • The property must be appraised by an FHA-approved appraiser.
  • The property must be safe, sound and secure, in compliance with minimum property standards as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD.
  • You must have a valid Social Security number and be a legal resident of the U.S.
  • You must have a minimum credit score of 580 with a down payment of at least 3.5 percent, or a minimum credit score of 500 with a down payment of at least 10 percent.
  • You may not have delinquent federal debt or judgments, or debt associated with past FHA loans.
  • You must have steady employment history.
  • You must make a down payment of at least 3.5 percent of the purchase price. If the down payment was gifted by a family member, documentation is required.
  • You must have a DTI ratio that does not exceed limits.
  • Any judgments or collections on the credit report must be resolved or satisfactorily explained.
  • Any required waiting period has passed, as follows:
EventWaiting periodWaiting period with extenuating circumstances (nonrecurring events beyond your control that result in sudden, significant, prolonged reduction in income or a catastrophic increase in financial obligations)
Chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcyFour yearsTwo years
Chapter 13 bankruptcyTwo years from discharge, or
four years from dismissal
Two years
Multiple bankruptciesFive years if more than one filing in last seven years. Most recent bankruptcy must have been caused by extenuating circumstances.Three years from most recent discharge or dismissal
ForeclosureSeven yearsThree years, with additional requirements after three years up to seven years:
90 percent maximum loan-to-value purchase, principal residence, limited cash-out refinance
Deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, preforeclosure sale (short-sale), or charge-off of mortgage accountFour yearsTwo years

Debt-to-Income Ratio Limits for Kentucky FHA Loans

Two DTI ratio figures are calculated when considering an Kentucky FHA mortgage. The front-end DTI ratio is your total monthly housing expense, which includes the mortgage principal and interest, mortgage insurance, homeowners insurance, property taxes and applicable homeowners association fees, divided by your total monthly income. The back-end DTI ratio is your total monthly debt obligation, including housing, minimum credit card payments, auto loans, student loans and any other required monthly debt payment, divided by your total monthly income.
Standard FHA front- and back-end DTI limits are 31 percent and 43 percent, respectively. If you earn $3,500 per month, your front-end DTI cannot exceed $1,085 and the sum of all your monthly debt obligations cannot exceed $1,505.
Applications for Kentucky FHA borrowers with lower salaries and higher DTIs are manually underwritten. Manual underwriting means that your lender assigns a person to review your loan application and documents, versus running your information through an automated underwriting system. Manually underwritten FHA loans allow for front- and back-end DTI ratios of up to 40 percent and 50 percent, respectively. To qualify for these higher DTI limits, you will need to meet other requirements.

Joel Lobb
Mortgage Loan Officer
Individual NMLS ID #57916

American Mortgage Solutions, Inc.

Text/call:      502-905-3708
fax:            502-327-9119


How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan

Kentucky FHA Mortgage Information How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan #fha #fhaloan #fhamortgage #fhahomeloan #fhamortgageinsurance #kentuckymortgage #affordablehousing #realestate #homeloan #580creditscore #badcredit #louisvillemortgage #jeffersoncountykentucky #louisvillerealtor #kentuckyrealtor #firsttimehomebuyer

Kentucky FHA Mortgage Information

Louisville Kentucky Mortgage Lender for FHA, VA, KHC, USDA and Rural Housing Kentucky Mortgages: Kentucky FHA Mortgage Information

 How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan 1. Low Down Payment   –  FHA Mortgage Loans only require a 3.5% down payment. And what m...

How to Qualify For a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan



FHA recently released Mortgagee Letters 2013-24 and 2013-25, to amend guidance on collections and disputed accounts and to clarify guidance on judgments. These changes will become effective for all case numbers assigned on or after October 15, 2013. This will apply to all FHA programs, with the exception of non-credit qualifying streamline refinances and Home Equity Conversion Mortgages. The changes are found below. Should you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager.
1.           Credit Analysis of Collections and Judgments. Collections and judgments may indicate a borrower's disregard for credit obligations and must be considered in the creditworthiness analysis. The guidance below applies to loans with collection accounts and all judgments. Medical collections and charge off accounts are excluded from this guidance.
  • Applicable to Manually Underwritten Loans: The lender must document reasons for approving a mortgage when the borrower has collection accounts or judgments.
Regardless of the amount of outstanding collection accounts or judgments, the lender must determine if the collection account or judgment was a result of:
    • The borrower's disregard for financial obligations;
    •  The borrower's inability to manage debt; or
    • Extenuating circumstances.
The borrower must provide a letter of explanation with supporting documentation for each outstanding collection account and judgment. The explanation and supporting documentation must be consistent with other credit information in the file.
  • Applicable to Loans Run Through TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard: TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Accept/Approve - There are no documentation or letter of explanation requirements for loans with collection accounts or judgments run through TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard receiving an "Accept/Approve" despite the presence of collection accounts or judgments. These accounts have been already taken into consideration in the borrower's credit score. If TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard generates a"Refer," the lender must manually underwrite the loan in accordance with the guidance above applicable to manually underwritten loans with collection accounts and judgments. 
All medical collections and charge off accounts are excluded from this guidance and do not require resolution.
2.           Capacity Analysis of Collections and Judgments.
Collections - FHA does not require collection accounts to be paid off as a condition of mortgage approval. However, FHA does recognize that collection efforts by the creditor for unpaid collections could affect the borrower's ability to repay the mortgage. To mitigate this risk, FHA is requiring a capacity analysis of collection accounts with an aggregate balance equal to or greater than $2,000, as described below.
If the total outstanding balance of all collection accounts for all borrowers is equal to or greater than $2,000, the lender must perform a capacity analysis as detailed below. Unless excluded under state law, collection accounts of a non-purchasing spouse in a community property state are included in the cumulative balance.
All medical collections and charge off accounts are excluded from this guidance and do not require resolution.
Capacity analysis includes any of the following actions:
  • At the time of or prior to closing, payment in full of the collection account (verification of acceptable source of funds required).
  • The borrower makes payment arrangements with the creditor. If the borrower has entered into a payment arrangement with the creditor, a credit report or letter from the creditor verifying the monthly payment is required. The monthly payment must be included in the borrower's debt-to-income ratio.
  • If evidence of a payment arrangement is not available, the lender must calculate the monthly payment using 5% of the outstanding balance of each collection, and include the monthly payment in the borrower's debt-to-income ratio.
TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Accept/Approve/Refer - Regardless of the Accept/Approve/Refer recommendation by TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard, the lender must include the payment amount in the calculation of the borrower's debt-to-income ratio.
               Judgments - FHA requires judgments to be paid off before the mortgage loan is eligible for FHA insurance. An exception to the payoff of a court ordered judgment may be made if the borrower has an agreement with the creditor to make regular and timely payments. The borrower must provide a copy of the agreement and evidence that payments were made on time in accordance with the agreement, and a minimum of three months of scheduled payments have been made prior to credit approval.
Borrowers are not allowed to prepay scheduled payments in order to meet the required minimum of three months of payments. Furthermore, lenders are instructed to include the payment amount in the agreement in the calculation of the borrower's debt-to-income ratio.
FHA requires judgments of a non-purchasing spouse in a community property state to be paid in full, or meet the exception guidance for judgments above, unless excluded by state law.
    3.           Handling of Disputed Accounts - The existence of potentially inaccurate information on a borrower's credit report resulting in a dispute must be reviewed by an underwriter. Accounts that appear as disputed on the borrower's credit report are not considered in the credit score utilized by TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard in rating the application. Therefore, FHA requires the lender to consider them in the underwriting analysis as described below.
With this ML, FHA is revising policy on manual downgrades for applications with disputed accounts to reflect the risk associated with derogatory and non-derogatory disputed accounts for factors such as age and size of outstanding balance.
Disputed Derogatory Accounts Indicated on the Credit Report - If the credit report utilized by TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard indicates that the borrower is disputing derogatory credit accounts, the borrower must provide a letter of explanation and documentation supporting the basis of the dispute. The lender must analyze the documentation provided for consistency with other credit information in the file to determine if the derogatory credit account should be considered in the underwriting analysis.
Guidance for TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Accept/Approve loans with disputed accounts.
Disputed Derogatory Credit Accounts greater than or equal to $1,000
If the cumulative outstanding balance of disputed derogatory credit accounts of all borrowers is equal to or greater than $1,000, the mortgage application must be downgraded to a"Refer" and a Direct Endorsement underwriter is required to manually underwrite the loan as described above.
Disputed Derogatory Credit Accounts less than $1,000
If the cumulative outstanding balance of disputed derogatory credit accounts of all borrowers is less than $1,000, a downgrade is not required.
Excluded Accounts
  • Disputed medical accounts are excluded from the $1,000 limit and do not require documentation.
  • Disputed derogatory credit accounts resulting from identity theft, credit card theft, or unauthorized use are also excluded from the $1,000 limit. However, the lender must provide in the case binder a credit report, letter from the creditor, or other appropriate documentation to support the dispute, such as a police report disputing the fraudulent charges.
Disputed derogatory credit accounts are defined as follows:
  • disputed charge-off accounts,
  • disputed collection accounts, and
  • disputed accounts with late payments in the last 24 months.

Disputed derogatory credit accounts of a non-purchasing spouse in a community property state are not included in the cumulative balance for determining if the mortgage application is downgraded to a "Refer".
Non-derogatory disputed accounts are excluded from the $1,000 cumulative total.
Non-Derogatory Disputed Accounts and Disputed Accounts Not Indicated on the Credit Report - Non-derogatory disputed accounts include the following types of accounts:
  • disputed accounts with zero balance,
  • disputed accounts with late payments aged 24 months or greater, and
  • disputed accounts that are current and paid as agreed.
 If a borrower is disputing non-derogatory accounts, or is disputing accounts which are not indicated on the credit report as being disputed, the lender is not required to downgrade the application to a "Refer." However, the lender must analyze the effect of the disputed accounts on the borrower's ability to repay the loan. If the dispute results in the borrower's monthly debt payments utilized in computing the debt-to-income ratio being less than the amount indicated on the credit report, the borrower must provide documentation of the lower payments.
If you have loans pending that these changes will affect, be sure to order the FHA case number prior to October 15, 2013.

Disputed Accounts On Credit Report and how it effects FHA Loans

Apply For FHA Mortgage Loan in Kentucky

Joel Lobb (NMLS#57916)
Senior  Loan Officer
502-905-3708 cell

Fill out my form for mortgage pre-approval by clicking this link!

Mortgage Loans In Kentucky for Conventional, FHA, and VA Mortgages for 2020

Mortgage Loans In Kentucky 
Kentucky Conventional Mortgages – These mortgages are not insured by the government, but they do conform to the government standards known as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. One thing to note about a conventional mortgage is that they require mortgage insurance unless you can put down at least 20%; once the loan’s principal balance drops below 78% of the home’s value, you no longer have to pay mortgage insurance.
  • Qualifying credit: 620-740
  • Loan terms: 15 or 30 years
  • 3% Down Payment minimum
Kentucky FHA Loans – An FHA loan is insured by the Federal Housing Administration, who guarantees a portion of the loan should the borrower default. This minimizes the lender’s risk and allows them to expand their borrowing parameters to the benefit of first-time homebuyers who might not have large savings or strong credit. Keep in mind that closing costs will be much higher for this type of mortgage and the home must meet rigorous appraisal standards.
  • Qualifying credit: 500 minimum with 10% down payment and 580 score higher 3.5% down payment 
Kentucky VA Loans If you are an active duty military personnel (or veteran in California and Hawaii), you may be eligible for this mortgage plan backed by the Dept. of Veteran Affairs. Income and credit requirements are significantly lower than other loans, making the approval process much easier, but be prepared to face longer closing periods than you would experience through a private lender.
  • Qualifying credit: No minimum Credit score for va loans
  • Outstanding debt---debt ratios usually around 45% on the backend 
  • Credit background-----looking at last 2-4 years mostly in regards to bankruptcies, foreclosures, short-sales,
  • Employment history--2 year work history not really the same job but same line of work and pay being consistent. 

Condo Requirements for a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan Approval in 2016

How Do Changes to the FHA Condo Loan Rules Help You?
FHA has recently provided new guidance on its rules for certifying condo buildings. Watch this video to learn why the FHA made these changes.
Posted by Home Ownership Matters on Wednesday, February 3, 2016
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2013 Louisville Kentucky FHA Streamline Refinance Guidelines

2013 Louisville Kentucky FHA Streamline Refinance Guidelines

Louisville Kentucky FHA Streamline Refinances are FHA-to-FHA rate/term refinances designed to reduce the borrower’s principal and interest payments.  FHA offers the following types of processing:

• Streamline with Appraisal
• Streamline without Appraisal
Mortgage Payment History
The mortgage history must be 0X30 in the last 12 months, regardless of the AUS decision.
Net Tangible Benefit

The lender must determine that there is a net tangible benefit as a result of the streamline refinance transaction,
with or without an appraisal.  Net tangible benefit is defined as:
• reduction in the total
• refinancing from an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) to a fixed rate mortgage,
mortgage payment (principal, interest, taxes and insurances, homeowners’
association fees, ground rents, special assessments and all subordinate liens),
• reduction in the term of the mortgage.

Reduction in Total Mortgage Payment:  The new total mortgage payment is 5 percent lower than the
total mortgage payment for the mortgage being refinanced.

Items that can be included in a Louisville Kentucky FHA  Streamline Refinance are:
• The existing unpaid balance
• Interest due for the current month on the FHA loan being paid off
• A credit for excess funds in the borrower’s escrow account
• A charge for escrow shortages or negative escrow balance due
Items that cannot be included in the streamline refinance payoff:
• Fax fees or other miscellaneous fees shown on the payoff
• Any other debt including seasoned subordinate liens or money due an ex-spouse
• The new loan may not include any delinquent interest accrued from late payments
Current FHA loan must be  FHA insured in the state of Kentucky .


• Existing second liens may be subordinated, max CLTV is 125%.
• Mortgage must be current at time of closing and be 0X30 in the last 12 months.
• Loan amount may exceed original mortgage amount if supported by current appraised value.
• Incidental cash back at closing limited to a maximum $500.

Kentucky FHA Streamline Guidelines
Maximum Loan Amount
The maximum loan amount is the lower of:
1)  97.75% of the appraised value of the property plus the new UFMIP that will be charged on the refinance
2) Outstanding principal balance minus the applicable refund of UFMIP, plus closing costs, prepaid items to
establish the escrow account and the new UFMIP that will be charged on the refinance.

• Current FHA loan must be FHA insured.
• Mortgage must be current at time of closing and be 0X30 in the last 12 months.
• Incidental cash back at closing limited to a maximum $500.
• Eligible on 203(b).
Maximum Loan Amount
To determine the maximum loan amount, use the outstanding principal balance minus the applicable refund
of the UFMIP plus the new UFMIP that will be charged on the refinance.
For other guidelines not listed in this manual, refer to general FHA (Federal Housing
Authority) guidelines located at: or

call 502 905 3708 for our free Louisville Kentucky FHA streamline Refinance analysis

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FHA Guidelines for Loan in Kentucky on a home

FHA Guidelines for Loan in Kentucky on a home

By Kristine Tucker, eHow Contributor .updated: December 12, 2010

Guidelines for an FHA loan in Kentucky.Getting a Federal Housing Authority (FHA) sponsored loan in Kentucky requires several criteria to be met before an applicant can receive mortgage funds. Since the FHA is a federal agency, the qualification requirements for a mortgage loan are similar in most states. However, depending upon relevant financial considerations and cost of living indexes, the maximum FHA loan limit fluctuates from state to state and within regions of a state. Each FHA home loan application is considered on an individual basis.

FHA Loan Limits

In order to qualify for an FHA loan in Kentucky, the final negotiated selling price of the home an applicant is interested in buying must fall below the state’s FHA loan limits. According to FHA Home Loan Mortgage and Lender 411, in most counties in Kentucky, the FHA loan limit as of 2010 is $271,050. In the Louisville area including Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Meade, Nelson, Oldham, Shelby and Trimble counties, the FHA loan limit is $302,500. Additionally, in the Cincinnati area including Boone, Bracken, Cambell, Gallatin, Kenton and Pendleton counties, the FHA loan limit is $337,500.

Judgements Must be Paid

One of the guidelines to get an FHA loan in Kentucky is that there can not be any outstanding monetary judgments in the applicant’s name. According to 1st Continental Mortgage, judgments must be paid off before an FHA mortgage loan is eligible for insurance. 1st Continental Mortgage also states that exceptions can be made if an applicant has shown a strong payment history on his judgment and has been making his payments on time. Documents proving these acceptable payments and a creditor’s willingness to subordinate the judgment to the insured mortgage are necessary in this case.

Previous Foreclosure

In order to meet the FHA guidelines for a loan in Kentucky, a borrower does not qualify if she has had a recent foreclosure on another property. According to 1st Continental Mortgage, an applicant who has a real estate property that was foreclosed on within the past three years, or an applicant who was given a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure within the previous three years, is not generally eligible. Once again, exceptions can be made on an individual application basis if there are extenuating documented circumstances that a loan officer feels were beyond the applicant’s control.


In Kentucky, bankruptcy does not automatically disqualify an an applicant from receiving an FHA mortgage loan. 1st Continental Mortgage states that with a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, an FHA applicant will not be disqualified if at least two years have passed since the bankruptcy was discharged. In the case of a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, a borrower may qualify for an FHA loan if at least one year of the pay-out period has been completed and the applicant can show a satisfactory payment history during that one year timeframe.

Down Payment

The guidelines for an FHA loan in Kentucky require a minimum down-payment of about 3.5 percent of the price of the home. Gifts from family and financial assistance from acceptable outside resources can satisfy the down-payment amount if an applicant does not have the cash on hand. According toMortgage, the seller can not pay the down payment, but he can pay up to 6 percent of the price of the home in closing costs.

Pest Inspection

A home inspection is not required to borrow money in the form of an FHA loan in Kentucky, even though it is a positive home buying practice. However, the FHA’s guidelines do require an acceptable pest inspection before the property can be purchased. , a termite inspection is required for all existing properties.

Read more: Guidelines to Get an FHA Loan in Kentucky

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